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Layer Potatoes and Meatballs

 Layer Potatoes and Meatballs


3 large potatoes

1 chopped white onion

1.6 pounds (750 grams) ground beef

1 tablespoon (15 ml) paprika

1 cup (100 grams) shredded mozzarella

1 cup (250 ml) basic béchamel sauce

Salt and pepper to taste

Chopped fresh parsley

For the béchamel sauce:

4 cups (1 liter) milk

5 tablespoons (75 grams) butter

4 tablespoons (48 grams) flour

2 teaspoons (10 ml) salt

½ teaspoon (3 ml) nutmeg


1- - In a huge bowl, join ground meat with 1 teaspoon (5 mL) hacked new parsley and paprika. Season with salt and pepper. Add onion and consolidate well.

2- - Peel and heat up the potatoes entire, until they are a little delicate, around 7 minutes. Channel and cut.

3- - Arrange the cuts in a solitary layer on the lower part of a round baking dish, then, at that point, structure an upward diagram.

4- - Form meatballs the size of frozen yogurt scoops and orchestrate in dish.

5- - Use the leftover potato cuts to isolate the meatballs, shaping little compartments.

6- - Pour the béchamel sauce into every one of these compartments until they are full, then top with destroyed mozzarella.

7- - Bake for 15 minutes and appreciate.

Enjoy !

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